PROJECT: 51-60 Pages E-commerce Custom Website Design.
Responsive wix website, created and customised to your requirements.
Number of Pages: 51-60 Pages.
Standard time to create: 6 months.
Please feel free to contact us before purchasing, to discuss the suitability of this product to your requirements.
This may be a suitable choice for an online e-commerce store for a wide range of businesses and industries, including but not limited to online fashion and apparel stores, womenswear, menswear, clothing, shoes, beauty accessories, online jewellery stores, pet food and toy store, beauty and personal care stores, make-up and hair care items, personal hygiene, and personal care products, entertainment, books, film and TV, music, games, stationery, household goods, soft furnishings, white goods, cleaning items, home accessories, grocery stores, electronics, personal computers, gaming devices, smart living products, home monitoring and alarm systems, and many more product categories and industries!
Agata Business Services is a Wix Partner, at Legend level, which is the highest level, and is a testament to the quantity and quality of professional websites produced by Agata Business Services on the Wix platform.
Some points to note in relation to this product:
- You must have a free or paid WIX account
- We work only on the Wix Platform
- Ensure that you are purchasing this project with the email address that is connected to your WIX account. If you do not have a Wix account we can create one for you.
- 3 graphics {home page}, sent as a draft to you after we speak about your requirements, and you choose 1 graphic
- This product is for 1 client only, and is not to be copied or provided as a template for multiple distribution
To better serve you and your business, we offer a personalised design experience that caters to your preferences and needs. Whether you already have a clear idea of what you want, or are in need of creative inspiration, we have you covered. Agata Business Services will collaborate with you to design a unique website that aligns with your vision and elevates your brand. Rest assured that we are committed to providing you with the best possible design solutions, no matter where you are in the process.
51-60 Pages E-commerce Custom Website Design
Example of standard pages
- Home Page 1, 2, 3 {created with up to 5 strips}
- Landing page {coming soon} {created with up to 3 strips}
- About Page {created with up to 4 strips}
- Shop Page {blank}
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Shop Page
- Special Offers
- Blog {created with up to 3 strips}
- Channel Page {Video} {created with up to 3 strips}
- Gallery 1, 2, 3 {created with up to 3 strips}
- Join us {created with up to 3 strips}
- Team Page {created with up to 3 strips}
- Loyalty Page / Rewards Program {your client will earn points once they purchase some product from your shop}
- {dynamic Pages}
- Landing Page
- Application Page
- Membership Pages {Dynamic Pages}
- Contact Page
- Regulation Page{blank}
- Data Protection Page
- Cookies Page
- Shop Terms and Conditions
- Events
- B2B Information Page
- Partners
- Newsletter
Perfect! thank you!